import time
from oats.models._base import Model
import numpy as np
from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import sliding_window_view
from sklearn.neighbors import KernelDensity
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from scipy.stats import norm, genpareto
class _FluxEV2000:
def __init__(
if method.lower() not in ["all", "above", "below"]:
raise ValueError(
f"method parameter expexts ['all', 'above', 'below'] but passed in {method}"
self.bw_reset_every = bw_reset_every
self.support = support
self.init_cutoff = init_cutoff
self.s = window
self.q = q
self.level = level
self.p = 1 if p is None else p
self.memory = memory
# EWMA Decay Factor
# alpha -> 0 => normal EMA
# alpha -> 1 => EWMA -> X[-1]
self.alpha = alpha
# Method: Literal["all", "above", "below"]
# all => admit all points
# above => admit only those above moving avg
# below => admit only those below moving average
self.method = method
# Raw Data
self.X = np.zeros(window)
# Residual after EWMA
self.E = np.zeros(window)
# Residual after First Smoothing
self.F = np.zeros(p)
# Peak Set
self.Y = np.array([])
# F Memory
self.F_mem = np.array([])
# S -> Residual after second smoothing
self.S = np.zeros(1)
# len(data set)
self.n = 0
# I -> indices of peaks in order to maintain the correct n_peak/n ratio
self.I = np.array([0])
# thresholds
self.percentile_thres = 0
self.spot_thres = 0
# timer
self.perf_counter = 0
# Use MLE Estimation (more stable)
self.mle = mle
def adjusted_n(self):
return self.n - self.I[0]
# TODO: typing
# data -> np.NDArray
def load_initial(self, data):
if data.size <= 2 * self.s:
raise ValueError(
f"Expects initial series of length > max(2*s, p) == {max(2*self.s, self.p)}, passed in {data.size}"
t = time.perf_counter()
self.X = data[self.s : 2 * self.s]
s_window = sliding_window_view(data[: 2 * self.s], self.s)[:-1]
self.E = data[self.s : 2 * self.s] - EWMA(s_window.T, self.alpha)
Q = np.array([])
for i in data[2 * self.s :]:
# initialize SPOT
Q = np.append(Q, self.F[-1])
self.spot_thres = self._spot_initialize(Q)
self.perf_counter += time.perf_counter() - t
# TODO: typing
# data -> np.float / float
def _step_train(self, x_t) -> int:
Stepping without updating SPOT
# fluctuation removal
E_i = x_t - EWMA(self.X, self.alpha)
if self.method == "above":
E_i = np.maximum(0.0, E_i)
if self.method == "below":
E_i = np.minimum(0, E_i)
# first smoothing
E_new = np.append(self.E, E_i)
E_old = self.E.copy()
F_i = (np.std(E_new, ddof=1) - np.std(E_old, ddof=1)).clip(min=0)
# second smoothing
m = np.max(self.F)
self.S = np.where(F_i - m > 0, np.array([F_i]), np.array([0]))
# smoothing calculations done; advance one step
self._array_step(x_t, E_i, F_i)
def step_predict(self, x_t) -> int:
Stepping + Updating SPOT
t = time.perf_counter()
if self.n % self.bw_reset_every == 0:
print(f"z_t: {self.percentile_thres} | z_q: {self.spot_thres}")
self.bw = _SPOTMoM.fit_kde_bw(self.F_mem)
new_p_thres = _SPOTMoM.get_tail_threshold(
self.F_mem, self.level, samples=100, bw=self.bw
self.spot_thres += new_p_thres - self.percentile_thres
self.percentile_thres = new_p_thres
out = np.int32(0)
if self.S[-1] > self.spot_thres:
"""erasing anomalous data point from history"""
out = np.int32(1)
self.F_mem[-1] = 0
elif self.F[-1] > self.percentile_thres and self.F[-1] < self.spot_thres:
# add obs to peak set
y_i = self.F[-1] - self.percentile_thres
""" vanilla calc
sigma, gamma = SPOTMoM.get_gpd_params(self.Y)
self.spot_thres = SPOTMoM.calc_spot_threshold(self.percentile_thres, sigma, gamma, self.n, self.Y.size, self.q)
sigma, gamma = _SPOTMoM.get_gpd_params(self.Y, mle=self.mle)
self.spot_thres = max(
elif self.F[-1] > self.spot_thres:
self.F_mem[-1] = 0
self.perf_counter += time.perf_counter() - t
return out
def _array_step(self, X_i, E_i, F_i):
self.X = np.roll(self.X, -1)
self.X[-1] = X_i
self.E = np.roll(self.E, -1)
self.E[-1] = E_i
self.F = np.roll(self.F, -1)
self.F[-1] = F_i
self.n += 1
def n_peaks(self):
return self.Y.size
def _spot_initialize(self, S):
# print(f"Q_len: {len(S)} | Q_non_zeros: {np.count_nonzero(S)} | Q_max: {np.max(S)}")
# print(S[S>0])
self.bw = _SPOTMoM.fit_kde_bw(S)
self.percentile_thres = _SPOTMoM.get_tail_threshold(S, self.level, bw=self.bw)
# print(f"thres: {self.percentile_thres}")
# print(f"n_above: {((S-self.percentile_thres) > 0).sum()}")
Y = _SPOTMoM.get_peaks(S, self.percentile_thres)
I = _SPOTMoM.get_peaks_idx(S, self.percentile_thres)
if self.init_cutoff < 1:
bw = _SPOTMoM.fit_kde_bw(Y)
cutoff = _SPOTMoM.get_tail_threshold(Y, self.init_cutoff, bw=bw)
Y = Y[Y < cutoff]
for y, i in zip(Y, I):
self._add_peak(y, i)
sigma, gamma = _SPOTMoM.get_gpd_params(Y, mle=self.mle)
n_y = len(Y)
n = len(S)
spot_thres = max(
self.percentile_thres, sigma, gamma, n, n_y, self.q
self.percentile_thres, Y.std(ddof=1), self.q, support=self.support
return spot_thres
def _add_peak(self, y, index=None):
if self.Y.size <= self.memory:
self.Y = np.append(self.Y, y)
self.Y = np.roll(self.Y, -1)
self.Y[-1] = y
index = self.n if index is None else index
if self.I.size <= self.memory + 1:
self.I = np.append(self.I, index)
self.I = np.roll(self.I, -1)
self.I[-1] = index
def _add_mem(self, f):
if self.F_mem.size <= self.memory:
self.F_mem = np.append(self.F_mem, f)
self.F_mem = np.roll(self.F_mem, -1)
self.F_mem[-1] = f
[docs]def EWMA(x, alpha, flip_x=True):
if flip_x:
x = np.flip(x)
s = len(x)
a = np.full(s, 1 - alpha)
power = np.arange(0, s)
weights = np.power(a, power)
res = np.dot(weights.T, x) / np.sum(weights)
return np.flip(res)
class _SPOTMoM:
def fit_kde_bw(cls, data, kernel="gaussian"):
params = {"bandwidth": np.logspace(-5, 10, 100)}
grid = GridSearchCV(KernelDensity(rtol=0.01), params, n_jobs=-1)
grid.fit(data[:, np.newaxis])
return grid.best_params_["bandwidth"]
def get_tail_threshold(
cls, data, level, samples=1000, bw=0.5, kernel="gaussian", rtol=0.02
) -> float:
# via KDE
data = np.append(data, 1e-3) # added for stability in case data is all zeros
x = np.linspace(data.min() + 1e-3, data.max(), samples)
kde = KernelDensity(kernel=kernel, rtol=rtol, bandwidth=bw).fit(
data[:, np.newaxis]
pdf = np.exp(kde.score_samples(x[:, np.newaxis]))
cdf = np.cumsum(pdf)
cdf /= cdf.max()
if len(np.where(cdf <= level)[0]) == 0:
return cls.get_tail_threshold(data, level, samples * 5, bw, kernel)
idx = np.where(cdf <= level)[0][-1]
return x[idx]
def get_peaks(cls, data, threshold, n_sample_min=5):
threshold = cls._adjust_threshold(data, threshold, n_sample_min)
return data[data >= threshold] - threshold
def get_peaks_idx(cls, data, threshold, n_sample_min=5):
threshold = cls._adjust_threshold(data, threshold, n_sample_min)
return np.where(data >= threshold)[0]
def _adjust_threshold(cls, data, threshold, n_sample_min):
x = data.copy()
x = x[x >= threshold]
if len(x) < n_sample_min:
threshold *= 0.95
threshold = 0 if threshold < 1e-3 else threshold
return cls._adjust_threshold(data, threshold, n_sample_min)
return threshold
def get_gpd_params_mv(cls, mean, var):
if var == 0:
return 1, 1
sigma = mean / 2 * (1 + mean**2 / var)
gamma = 1 / 2 * (1 - (mean**2 / var))
return sigma, gamma
def get_gpd_params(cls, peaks, robust=False, mle=False):
y = peaks.copy()
if mle:
mu, sigma, gamma = genpareto.fit(y)
return sigma, gamma
if robust:
huber.maxiter = 100
huber.tol = 5e-2
mu, std = huber(y)
var_y = std**2
mu = y.mean()
var_y = y.var(ddof=1)
sigma = mu / 2 * (1 + mu**2 / var_y)
gamma = 1 / 2 * (1 - (mu**2 / var_y))
return sigma, gamma
def calc_spot_threshold(cls, initial_threshold, sigma, gamma, n, n_peaks, q):
delta = sigma / gamma * ((q * n / n_peaks) ** (-gamma) - 1)
new_thres = initial_threshold + delta
return new_thres
def calc_half_normal_threshold(cls, initial_threshold, std_dev, q, support=1):
return initial_threshold + std_dev * norm.ppf(((1 - q) + 1) / 2) * support
[docs]class FluxEVModel(Model):
Implementation from the paper with QoL improvements for production.
Li, Jia and Di, Shimin and Shen, Yanyan and Chen, Lei
"FluxEV: A Fast and Effective Unsupervised Framework for Time-Series Anomaly Detection"
def __init__(
self, window: int = 10, window_smoothing=None, q=1e-4, level=0.95, **kwargs
window (int, optional): main window length. Defaults to 10.
window_smoothing (int, optional): window length for smoothig operation, if None then same as `window`. Defaults to None.
q (float, optional): q level such that `P(threshold) < q`. Defaults to 1e-4.
level (float, optional): threshold to fit tail distribution. Defaults to 0.95.
memory (int, optional): how many data points for the tails. Defaults to 2000.
bw_reset_every (int, optional): used for method of moments estimation to prevent a bad fit (MoM is not robust against outliers); use distribution from kde estimation to compute tail level; this parameter dictates how often bandwidth is refitted. Defaults to 2000.
support (float, optional): used for method of moments estimation to prevent a bad fit (MoM is fast but unreliable); threshold is computed as the maximum of `GPD` and `support * HalfNormal`. Defaults to 0.
init_cutoff (float, optional): used for method of moments estimation to prevent a bad fit (MoM is not robust against outliers); only bottom `init_cutoff` deciles are used to fit the GPD distribution. Defaults to 1.
mle (bool, optional): whether to use MLE for GPD parameter estimation; setting True will result in a slow down in performance. Default to False.
self.window = window
self.window_smoothing = window if window_smoothing is None else window_smoothing
self.q = q
self.level = level
self.params = kwargs
[docs] def fit(self, data, **kwargs):
if data.ndim > 1 and data.shape[1] == 1:
data = data.flatten()
if data.ndim > 1 and data.shape[1] > 1:
self._models = self._pseudo_mv_train(data)
self.model = _FluxEV2000(
[docs] def get_scores(self, data):
multivar = True if data.ndim > 1 and data.shape[1] > 1 else False
if multivar:
return self._handle_multivariate(data, self._models)
if data.ndim > 1 and data.shape[1] == 1:
data = data.flatten()
anoms = np.zeros(len(data))
for idx, value in enumerate(data):
anoms[idx] = self.model.step_predict(value)
return anoms